Finding Your Inspiration

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Finding Your Inspiration

Postby HostDave » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:42 pm

What truly inspires you? How we find that inspiration is as varied as the number of people on earth, but of one thing we can be sure: life without inspiration is a dull life, indeed. While most of us find inspiration in our children, our parents, our partners and our friends, it’s also important to feel passion about something outside of our family and friendship circle. For some it might be running a marathon. For others it might be quilting, bird-watching or cooking. For still others, it might be scrapbooking.

But a funny thing has happened to scrapbooking thanks to the invention of the internet. For the first time, we can “scrapbook” digitally by posting our photos and our thoughts online. In a way, that’s what we do right here with the American Queen Steamboat Company blog. Far more people can see our digital scrapbook than could ever see the physical book, though lovingly created, that resides on a shelf in our home. Combine scrapbooking, whether virtual or digital, with the American Queen Steamboat Company, and you’ll discover a number people who have found their inspiration.

When we created the American Queen Steamboat Company just two years ago, we did so on a firm foundation. The original designers of the American Queen, the Delta Queen Steamboat Co., had a legendary following among riverboat buffs and those who had simply fallen in love with this unhurried and elegant from of travel.

When word got out that we were reviving the American Queen and returning her to the river after a period of inactivity, the internet was abuzz. Our American Queen Steamboat Company Facebook Page gained fans at a far faster pace than one would ever expect for a new company. We have to be honest. We were inspired by this passion but also a little bit fearful. What if we didn’t live up to everyone’s lofty expectations?

Fortunately, we’re happy to say that this cadre of loyal followers has given us a resounding “thumbs up” for our efforts and supported the return of the American Queen wholeheartedly. Each year, we offer a special reunion cruise for those who have sailed with us before and for those who first sampled travel by riverboat with the Delta Queen Steamboat Co. We are delighted at the suggestions, words of encouragement and reviews of the product. Meeting these past guests is what inspires us to do better each and every day and to continue to live up to the expectations of those who have sailed before.

After all, if these folks are so inspired by the American Queen, how could we not be inspired by their enthusiasm and passion?

And this is where the internet, digital scrapbooking and the American Queen Steamboat Company all come together. We’ve discovered that a huge number of people have found their inspiration in riverboat travel and the American Queen and are choosing to share their excitement with the world through online blogs. It is rather humbling to see such a wide response to our beloved grand dame of the river. We’d like to quickly share one such story with you.

A woman who calls herself Elaine-iaK has created a wonderful blog called Elaine-iaK’s Travels. Just click here to read more about her and what inspires her. She is quite interesting and loves to teach arts and crafts and has made travel both her career “and life’s passion.” She says that her “favorite mode of travel is by riverboat” and she has written a detailed, informative and entertaining review of her latest trip on the American Queen. To read her full review, click here. She also has a number of wonderful photos to illustrate her trip.

It’s clear that travel on the American Queen was inspiring for Elaine-iaK. Reading her story, we hope you are similarly inspired and join us soon on the voyage of a lifetime. We encourage you to create your own blog of your riverboat experience!

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