Viking Cruise Ship Involved in Two Accidents

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Viking Cruise Ship Involved in Two Accidents

Postby HostDave » Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:57 pm

A Viking River ship has been involved in two collisions while on a Danube cruise -- causing an 18-hour delay.

Viking Forseti first ran into the back of another ship in a lock four days into the cruise, causing it to miss time slots for the locks which led to even more delays.

It was then involved in a second accident -- in which another ship ploughed into it.

No passengers were hurt in either incident, but both caused long delays and required inspections by authorities.

There were also lock strikes along the Danube yesterday, which have been going on intermittently all summer and which caused further delays to the cruise.

Viking has confirmed that both incidents took place and a senior executive at the line has written a personal letter to all those affected.

A Viking spokeswoman confirmed: "Viking Forseti was involved in two minor collisions during its current sailing. No passengers were injured, but the itinerary did need to be slightly modified to account for an inspection afterward. Coincidentally, this sailing was also affected by a German lock workers' strike, causing further delay.

"The ship is now underway again, and Viking is working to adjust several elements to make up lost time and ensure that the remainder of the journey is seamless and enjoyable. To that end, passengers will be treated to several complimentary amenities along the way, and Viking customer service will be following up individually with passengers upon their return home."

Last month an AmaWaterways' AmaDagio was involved in an accident in a lock, which caused numerous knock-on delays.

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