Thanks for the encouragement! We're all set to go, I think. Packing is all done (I've been done for a week)...we each have two small wheeled bags that fit together so they should be easier to handle than one large one on the trains. I still might send one ahead with the takyubin service for the first leg when we have to trek through Tokyo station, but we'll see how it goes. I also have a computer bag with a bunch of paperwork, tickets, etc. The cruise bag is one big one that we're sending from home to the last hotel. I wasn't brave enough to risk sending it directly to the ship. I'm a bit nervous because it won't be picked up until April 14th, but the house sitters we have are VERY coherent, so if anyone can handle it, they can.
Of course, my desktop computer had to lose my password yesterday during a power failure, so I'm trying to restore it before we leave. Why does this kind of thing always happen on the way out the door??? Luckily I had just transferred my Quicken data to the laptop the night before! If history repeats itself, I'm sure I'll lose access to our site host during the trip, too
I'm going to start new threads in the Tokyo Disney Resort forum and the Crystal forum to keep the discussion manageable, but if you post in this thread, that's OK, too. I'll check all of them as often as I can.