Canyonlands Road Trip Discussion

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Re: Canyonlands Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:37 am

Everyone we talked to about this felt that the Indians were just being a pain in the ass and the rancher, Skywalk developer, etc., finally had enough and said, "Screw you!"

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Re: Canyonlands Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:45 am

I've been sick since we got's that for timing? I'm behind in finishing the summary and getting the remaining pictures posted. I'll get it done in the next day or so.

But, I promised to report on how the house sitting experience went. All I can say is that I think this couple spoiled us for anyone else. They were AMAZING! There were a couple of issues that came up (koi pond pump failed, etc.) and they fixed everything themselves without any help from us and they refused being reimbursed for the repair parts. I did insist on giving them a Visa gift card, and I REALLY had to INSIST, but ultimately they accepted it under the pretense of using it for airfare to come back next year for our trip to Japan. I know for sure that if they do come back that I will feel a lot better about leaving the country with them staying here.

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Re: Canyonlands Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:39 pm

The final batch of photos is now available in the Photo Gallery.

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Re: Canyonlands Road Trip Discussion

Postby Marybeth » Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:08 pm

My computer crashed and has just been fixed so I have spent the last couple of hours catching up on your adventure. Thank you so much for doing this for us. I do enjoy reading all of your posts and viewing the gorgeous pictures. I know it can be a pain to do the work but the result is such fun for those of us at home. I'm looking forward to your next trip. Thanks again. Have a good summer.

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Re: Canyonlands Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:58 pm

Thanks! I appreciate the encouragement. Writing the blog makes us do more than we probably would otherwise or at least to find something interesting to talk about, so there is a benefit for us, too.

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Re: Canyonlands Road Trip Discussion

Postby kayred » Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:40 pm

I also have enjoyed your trip and noted areas for my family to explore...

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