Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Thu May 28, 2015 2:27 am

Thanks, I'm glad someone finds me useful ;)

90 minutes should be plenty of time to see the lagoon and the beach. If the icebergs aren't on the beach in summer, then go on the boat ride instead. Here's the link to the boat tours of the lagoon:

The boats are those amphibious "duck" things that they have at theme parks and such in the US, so they're not an intimate experience at all. The Zodiacs might be better, but they require wearing a rubber safety suit. Just FYI.

I'm not sure where we're going next...I want to go back to Japan, but I'm not sure that's in the budget for next year, so we'll see!

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Thu May 28, 2015 6:08 am

By the way, you might want to consider renting a car for the day and driving yourself. The ring road is fine and there's no traffic. Just a thought.

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby YFlower » Thu May 28, 2015 10:04 am

Thanks. That occurred to me last night, but I'll have arrived the day before from Maui and between the two overnight flights, even if in business, and the 10-hour time difference am a little concerned about my capacity for a 10-12 hour road trip on my own; the rest of the fam isn't coming in until the next day.

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Sun May 31, 2015 1:11 pm

I hate to tell you this, but Gullfoss is kind of a must see. Geysir you can skip. It's nice, but nothing you haven't seen before probably.

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby YFlower » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:34 am

Thanks! The pictures do look spectacular. I think I'll Greyline the glacial lagoon on the full day and then arrange for a private just to Gulfoss, skipping the rest of the Golden Circle.

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:52 am

If there's anything you want me to check at the Greyline office it is only a couple blocks from our hotel. We walked right by it this afternoon. Their buses look VERY nice and much more luxurious than the others we have seen around (all are OK, but theirs are a cut above). I'm not sure where the ship docks, but if they have a shuttle to town it will probably drop you at Harpa which is the concert hall by the harbor. You can walk to everything in town from there easily. The Greyline office is the first big building on the right side of the street from Harpa. It is maybe three blocks at the most to the shopping street. I think the lake is just up from there, but we'll go in that direction tomorrow.

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby YFlower » Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:14 am

Thanks for the offer and the heads-up about their buses! I am going to stay at the Radisson Blu 1919, which supposedly is across the street from their office, for two nights before I get to the ship. On embarkation day I need to be on board to change some stuff with Remi (I am the dining coordinator), while the family is out and about. I'll probably go into town in the evening with my nieces if I can handle the energy level ;). The ship departs at noon after the overnight, so not much time unless I get up early (and if I'm out the night before, that won't be happening!)

Seriously, a million thanks for all your insights...I can't thank you enough. I hope you get to southern Japan; at least I'd be able to give you 1% of the tips for Hiroshima and Miyajima that you've given me.

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:24 am

You're very welcome. I'm glad somebody finds me helpful ;)

Southern Japan is definitely on my radar, but after this VERY expensive trip I'm not sure it will fit in next year's budget. OMG the food is expensive here! Restaurant meals cost more than hotel rooms. It's ridiculous. I wonder if it has more to do with having to pay servers a living wage since they don't get tips?

I'm still looking for restaurants in Reykjavik that are special in some way, but so far only the Italian place was above average. Maybe we'll splurge tonight and try one of the fancy places we saw last night.

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby HostDave » Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:07 pm

I finally found a restaurant worth recommending to you call Fiskfélagið (Fish Company). If you turn right out of the front door of your hotel and walk to the end of the square where all the restaurants are it is on the right with a patio a few steps down from the street. It was amazing! The desserts are to die for. Very creative and most importantly they tasted great. It took over two hours to eat dinner there, but it was worth it. Very friendly, helpful service, too.

BTW, don't be discouraged by the first impression of the location of your hotel. The block around it looks pretty bad, but walk a block and all is well. It isn't scary or anything, but looks sort of trashy...not the hotel, just the block it is in. The hotel looks very nice.

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Re: Iceland Grand Circle Road Trip Discussion

Postby YFlower » Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:03 pm

Great, thanks! And thanks for the warning about the hotel block. After three flights, two of them overnight, I can see pulling up to the hotel and, without your reconnaissance, wondering WTH I was in for.

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