Simplicity and Elegance

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Simplicity and Elegance

Postby HostDave » Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:53 pm

We find contrasts fascinating. There’s something energizing when one mentions fire and ice, for example. And then there are those contrasts, such as Republicans and Democrats, which can get people’s blood boiling. What is rare about contrasts is when they can live in harmony together.

We find that to be the case here at the American Queen Steamboat Company. Simplicity is defined as the “the state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded” and a “freedom from pretense or guile.” Elegance is defined as “refinement, grace, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manner” and “tasteful opulence in form, decoration, or presentation.”

Aboard the American Queen, simplicity and elegance meet in a glorious expression of warmth, memories, polished service and comforting yet refined cuisine. And that’s where the idea of contrasts comes into play. How can something called a riverboat be so thoroughly modern? And how can a river cruise that harks back to Mark Twain be so refined? That’s the magic of the American Queen.

The simple part of a voyage with us is in the feelings and the memories that are evoked. Travel by steamboat was a defining mode of transportation in America 150 years ago, and when sailing the timeless Mississippi River, it still is today. Sitting in a rocking chair drinking a tall glass of lemonade or sipping a traditional Mint Julep is, indeed, reminiscent of summers in the South many generations ago. Listening to the crow of a rooster on a farm ashore in the pre-dawn twilight takes our guests back to a simpler time. Having a mid-morning, afternoon or late-night snack on the Front Porch of America, with its traditional screen doors, certainly has the homespun elements of the welcoming embrace of grandma’s house. Southern family recipes served at dinner remind us of a time when a meal was the gathering time for an entire family. Fanciful Victorian décor evokes a bed and breakfast and the proscenium arch in the Grand Saloon was modeled after small town opera houses that have now all but disappeared from the American landscape.

The beauty of the American Queen is that this simplicity can also be wrapped in elegance. And when you consider that possibility, it should become immediately obvious that the American Queen, built in 1995, has every possible modern amenity.

So how do we weave elegance into what might otherwise seem like a down-home vacation? Pretend you’re sitting in that rocking chair aboard watching the scenery glide by like an unfolding Hollywood set. A staff member will come up to you and ask you if you desire anything. You can order that glass of lemonade or Mint Julep without ever leaving that chair. If you’re reading a book and the course of the river changes, there’s someone there to offer to reposition your chair for better light. Your needs are our staff’s primary concern.

The snacks available 24 hours a day on the Front Porch are, actually, anything but just simple snacks. The praline pecan cookies, for example, are an old recipe handed down for generations and when they are served to you, they are always warm and thick. We’re told that they’re better than grandma’s and more than one might expect from a high-end bakery. With the enhancements we’ve just made, the Front Porch Café now offers cuisine that has traditional roots but is executed with a precise and contemporary twist. Grandma might have fried up some green tomatoes in a cast iron skillet pan, but she didn’t season them with a proprietary but sophisticated spice blend, delicately coat them in panko bread crumbs, very lightly fry them to bring out a zesty crunch, and then serve them with a spicy jalapeno jelly.

On stage in the Grand Saloon you’ll find nightly shows that rate among the finest ashore or afloat. In addition to productions that encompass musical genres and star guest acts and performances, there are world-class lecturers who will enlighten you on the politics of the South prior to the Civil War or engage you in a spirited discussion about the societal changes of the antebellum era. Such opportunities are usually only offered to a select few at global forums or in Ivy League lecture halls, but aboard the American Queen, they are an essential ingredient in the intellectual stimulation that blossoms while traveling with us.

The Victorian décor might reflect the stylings of a bygone era, but you’ll notice touches of modernity where you want them. On your beautifully made bed is a modern mattress and high thread count linens to ensure each night is luxuriously restful. Plush robes for use during the cruise hang in a surprisingly spacious ensuite bathroom, many of which feature a tub. The elegant touches aboard the American Queen become obvious the moment you step aboard, with a spray of fresh flowers at the top of the entrance stairs.

Contrasts are powerful, but paradoxically, the joining of opposites creates a strong bond that enhances both elements. The simplicity of life on the river generations ago meets the sophistication and elegance of modern conveniences attuned to the desires of the contemporary traveler aboard the American Queen. We invite you to join us to experience this extraordinary combination for yourself.

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