Why we haven't been traveling recently

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Why we haven't been traveling recently

Postby HostDave » Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:12 am

I promised I would reveal the reason for our lack of travel and here it is in brief.

Bill is facing a health crisis. We only learned the cause of his issues this past week, so we're still dealing with what will come next. I appreciate those of you have been following us, some for many years. We've met a few of you in person, but even those I only know from the forum, I truly do thank you for your loyalty. Don't give up on us! We may be down, but we aren't out. Things will continue as usual here on the forum, I am keeping up with posting photos on Instagram, and there are some other things in the works. I can't promise when they will happen, but I haven't forgotten you!

I don't feel it is appropriate to discuss any personal details here in a public forum, but if you are one of our long-time followers and you would like to be invited to the Caring Bridge page I have set up for Bill's friends and family, please send me a private message with your email address. I will then send you an invitation to the private page.

Thank you for your support,


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