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  • 1995 width:640;;height:456
  • 2007 - San Diego width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Crystal Plaza width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Avenue of the Stars Shops & Crystal Plaza width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Crystal Cove width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Crystal Plaza width:360;;height:480
  • 2003 - Excalibur Decorations width:640;;height:480
  • 2003 - Crystal Plaza Waterfall width:320;;height:480
  • 2014 - Crystal Plaza Waterfall width:269;;height:480
  • 2003 - Crystal Plaza width:640;;height:427
  • 2014 - Mother's Day Buffet width:640;;height:359
  • 2015 - Crystal Plaza Waterfall width:640;;height:480
  • 2015 - Crystal Plaza width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Bistro Buffet width:640;;height:480
  • 2014 - Bistro Late Night Buffet width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Bistro Late Night Buffet width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Bistro Late Night Buffet width:640;;height:359
  • 2000 - Avenue of the Stars Shops width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Avenue of the Stars Shops width:640;;height:480
  • 2015 - Avenue of the Stars Shops width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Collection Shop width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Facets Shop width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Apropos Shop width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Plaza width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Cove width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Plaza width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Plaza width:640;;height:480
  • 2014 - Crystal Plaza width:640;;height:359
  • 2000 - Crystal Cove width:640;;height:480
  • 2014 - Crystal Cove width:640;;height:359
  • 2003 - Crystal Dining Room - Excalibur Decor width:640;;height:480
  • 2003 - Crystal Dining Room width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Dining Room width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Dining Room width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Dining Room width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Dining Room width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Dining Room width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Crystal Dining Room width:640;;height:480
  • 2014 - Dining Room Electronic Menu width:360;;height:480
  • 2000 - Reception width:570;;height:302
  • 2015 - Reception width:640;;height:480
  • 2015 - Cruise Consultant/Crystal Society Area width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Crystal Cove width:640;;height:480
  • 2015 - Crystal Cove width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Caesar's Palace Casino width:360;;height:480
  • 2007 - Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Casino Corridor width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Caesar's Palace Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2015 - Crystal Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2015 - Crystal Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Luxe width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Luxe width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Luxe width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Luxe width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Galaxy Lounge Entrance width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Galaxy Lounge Entrance width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Galaxy Lounge width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Art Outside of Casino width:640;;height:480
  • 2014 - Galaxy Lounge width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Galaxy Lounge width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Electronic Activities List width:360;;height:480
  • 2000 - Starlite Club width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Starlite Club Bar width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Starlite Club width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Starlite Club Dance Floor width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Starlite Club Bar width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Starlite Club Bar width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Starlite Club width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Seating Outside Starlite Club width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Photo Shop width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Art Auctions width:360;;height:480
  • 2000 - Avenue Saloon width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Avenue Saloon width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Avenue Saloon width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Prego width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Prego width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Jade Garden width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Silk Road Entrance width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Silk Road width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Silk Road width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Silk Road Sushi Bar width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Palm Court width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Palm Court width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Palm Court width:640;;height:480
  • 2003 - Palm Court width:640;;height:427
  • 2003 - Palm Court width:640;;height:427
  • 2003 - Palm Court width:640;;height:427
  • 2007 - Palm Court width:640;;height:480
  • 2014 - Palm Court width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Palm Court width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Palm Court width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Palm Court width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Palm Court width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Palm Court width:640;;height:359
  • 2000 - Seahorse Pool Band width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Seahorse Pool width:640;;height:480
  • 2003 - Seahorse Pool width:640;;height:427
  • 2008 - Seahorse Pool width:640;;height:480
  • 2008 - New Lounge Covers width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Trident Bar width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Trident Grill width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Trident Ice Cream Bar width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Neptune Pool width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - American Buffet at Neptune Pool width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Italian Buffet width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - American Buffet at Neptune Pool width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Asia Cafe width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Asia Cafe & Neptune Pool width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Asia Cafe Buffet width:640;;height:480
  • 2000 - Asia Cafe width:640;;height:480
  • 2003 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:427
  • 2003 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:427
  • 2003 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:427
  • 2003 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:427
  • 2003 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:427
  • 2003 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:480
  • 2003 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:427
  • 2003 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:427
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe Casual Evening Dining width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Lido Cafe Casual Evening Dining width:640;;height:359
  • 2008 - Early Risers' Breakfast - Peanut Butter & Jelly French Toast width:640;;height:480
  • 2008 - Early Risers' Breakfast - Pancakes width:640;;height:480
  • 2014 - Living Wall width:640;;height:359
  • 2015 - Spa Pedicure Chair width:360;;height:480
  • 2015 - Gym Equipment width:640;;height:480
  • 2015 - Fitness Garden width:640;;height:480
  • 2015 - Fitness Garden width:360;;height:480
  • 2015 - Fitness Garden width:360;;height:480
  • 2015 - Fitness Garden width:360;;height:480
  • 2007 - Stateroom width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Stateroom width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Stateroom width:640;;height:480
  • 2007 - Stateroom Bathroom width:360;;height:480
  • 2015 - Stateroom Carpet width:360;;height:480
  • 2015 - Stateroom Corridor Carpet width:360;;height:480
  • 2003 - Penthouse width:600;;height:471
  • 2003 - Penthouse width:640;;height:480
  • 2008 - Penthouse width:640;;height:480
  • 2008 - Penthouse width:640;;height:480
  • 2008 - Penthouse width:640;;height:480
  • 2008 - Penthouse width:640;;height:480
  • 2014 - Penthouse width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Penthouse width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Penthouse width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Penthouse width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Penthouse width:640;;height:359
  • 2014 - Penthouse width:269;;height:480
  • 2014 - Penthouse width:269;;height:480
  • 2014 - Penthouse width:269;;height:480
  • 2015 - Penthouse Deck Carpet width:360;;height:480
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