Japan 2014 Discussion

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby YFlower » Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:43 am

Really appreciate the insight on how you cannot see the water from the Sendai airport...very sobering. Given the images of the damage, I just assumed it was much closer to the water.

Hope your teeth issues are resolved. I recently read this article on the Disney MyMagic+ system in the NYTimes and thought you might be interested. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/02/business/billion-dollar-bracelet-is-key-to-magical-kingdom.html

Thanks again for the blog--love reading about the adventures!

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby HostDave » Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:03 am

I thought the airport was right on the water, but it must be at least a couple of miles inland. When we were up in the AER building a Japanese man was telling some other tourists that the brown area near the coast used to be completely built up. From that height it looked just like when a wave washes up on a beach and that part is left flat. Very scary! What is most surprising is that the airport looks like nothing ever happened. I know the water got up to the second level departure lobby, but it looks perfectly fine. If this happened at home they'd still be squabbling over who was going to pay for it. I assume the train station was swamped also since it is at the same level as the terminal. It is elevated above the roadway, so to think the water came that high this far inland is very sobering indeed!

Thanks for asking about my teeth. I believe the issue is completely resolved. It gets better every day. I'm glad it was something so simple and that the dentist took the time to figure it all out before just ripping the tooth out or something drastic. And I thought getting all the fillings replaced before we left would prevent a problem! Hah. Live and learn!

That MyMagic+ debacle is the reason all development has been halted on new attractions. I'll bet some heads roll over that mess, if they haven't already. From what I hear, it won't be coming to Disneyland anytime soon. FastPass alone makes the wait times so long for stand by! I doubt any line would be over an hour without it at Tokyo Disneyland/Sea.

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby Marybeth » Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:23 pm

I'm glad your tooth issue has been resolved. I am so enjoying your reports. I have never had a desire to visit Japan but I may rethink that idea. Thanks for taking the time to share with all of us.

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby HostDave » Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:30 am

Thank you! I would encourage you to visit Japan. It is much easier now that there is so much support for English speakers. Last time we were here it was kind of hit and miss, but so far we've found updated signs all over the place. In any case, people here are so kind you can't stay lost for long without someone offering to help you.

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby YFlower » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:18 am

What a huge bummer about the camera. The place sounded very cool, so we, your fans, were also looking forward to the photos.

The found in "Lost and Found" really is so much better in Japan, so I do hope the camera turns up. In 2012, a friend left a couple of prints (not expensive, but not cheap either) on a J Rail train traveling to Tokyo during the height of the pre-New Year's travel period (which as you know is a big deal in Japan). They went to the concierge at the the hotel, who made some calls and then told them to show up at X place in Tokyo Station at Y time about 1.5 days later They did and there were the prints in the original tube! Hopefully this happens with your camera.

You've probably already thought of this, but in case not, you could provide the hotel person you spoke with your next two stops in case the camera shows up after you leave.

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby HostDave » Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:16 am

If I had for sure lost it on the train, then I would probably have it back. Unfortunately, I could have lost it in one of two cabs and neither of us paid any attention to which cab company it was. The woman helping us at the hotel said this morning that she called JR and all the cab companies she could think of, but they wouldn't know anything until later today (which is long past since we talked to her). I'm glad I always transfer my pictures to the computer. I'm also glad I figured out how to get the new camera to speak English ;-) It wasn't an expensive camera, but I do hate to lose any pictures. And yes, it was a really cool place ;-)

It annoyed me more because it was entirely my fault and yet I have no clue how it happened. I do know I wasn't pickpocketed or anything like that. It just vanished. I'm usually way more organized than that so things like this don't happen very often...ever, in fact. Oh well, there is a first time for everything!

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby YFlower » Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:14 am

Perhaps you can take comfort in knowing that, thanks to your experience, I and others will be completely paranoid about our cameras on our next trips. ;) My camera is my iPhone, so I will be even more vigilant than my usually OCD-ness about it.

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby HostDave » Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:40 am

Believe me, if I can lose something, anyone can. I'm very aware of where my stuff is at all times...or I thought I was! I still can't figure out what the heck happened. If I'd dropped it off a bridge or something I'd at least know how it happened. Anyway, I'm over it now ;-) Sort of...

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby YFlower » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:40 pm

What are the chunks on the photo of the tempura? (They're small on one piece and bigger on two others.) I'm used to tempura like the one piece in front...kind of randomly shaped batter or in some cases with panko crumbs. Those chunks threw me for a loop.

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Re: Japan 2014 Discussion

Postby HostDave » Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:51 pm

I had never seen tempura like that either. The coating was the same on all of it. It was sort of like Rice Krispies only half the size. That's what it tasted like, but the pieces were tiny little squares. Could have been chopped up cooked rice that puffed up when it was fried. It was very good whatever it was. The batter wasn't even noticeable, so it wasn't like any tempura I've had before. If we have it again I'll try to ask what it is since the maid is my BFF now ;-)

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